Monday, March 31, 2008

Making Solaris ftp more secure

if you create an ftp user on a solaris system, the user can change directory to anywhere and read the list of objects in it with default configurations.

if you want to make ftp more secure you can use ftpaccess file in /etc/ftpd/ directory.

here are the steps:

- create a group for ftp
shell > groupadd ftpuser

- create a user for ftp
shell > useradd -g ftpuser -d /path/to/ftphome -s /bin/true ftpusername
note: there should be an entry in /etc/shells like "/bin/true", if not you cannot login to ftp server.

- edit /etc/ftpd/fptaccess file and add a line
guestgroup ftpuser

- then restart the ftp server
shell> svcadm restart svc:/network/ftp:default

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