Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Property 'name' of instance .. missing errors

if you have system errors on Solaris like "Property 'name' of instance svc:/network/ftp:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid" or "Invalid configuration for instance svc:/network/finger:default, placing in maintenance" after creating a zone, you should control the /etc/services file.

You can copy this file from a working system and reboot your server. After this operation, your system will be fine.


Sebastian Muñiz said...

key words proto and name, they are resolved by /etc/services
some failed patches leave the file broken.
Worked ok!

Geoff in Bellevue said...

Thanks for the tip. I was getting the 'name' and 'proto' errors on a few services after a reboot. Turned out someone had edited the /etc/services file and left the problem services OUT of the new file, and it didn't become apparent until the reboot.